Here’s a poem. It’s been webified, if you will, in that I’ve linked specific phrases to images on the web that correspond with what that which I typed into that delightful little Google Images search box. I just realized that I haven’t done this in a really long time. I used to post all my poems like this, back in the day. Huh.
Anyway, this one’s for Catherine.
The street lights glazed over our gray-blue block,
west of Fillmore, with orange loneliness,
all the way to the airport, passing docks
hinting to Red Hook, Greenpoint, and places
of less color and more steel tip. From one
home to another, where Catherine sings
herself to sleep, to where Manhattan’s gone
tilted over, the cars pell-mell falling
to the eastern shores. Each sidewalk we go
past is in their count to a thousand roads.
Aaaaaaand if there’s one thing I’ve learned about Archangels, it’s that they don’t apologize. See you next week. ♥