Rebirth of the Spool + Need(lework)

Since my lifepace switch got stuck in turbo mode a while back, it’s been harder than differential calculus to find the time to sort out the transfer of my web host and domains to a new one that doesn’t get hacked every thirty seconds. A couple of weeks ago, however, I had no choice but to sort it all out, so after a few months of being down, this site is finally back up, running with a new template in place to spool out new work. Huzzah!

I miss writing. I miss traversing the bioluminescent pathways of plotting, I miss the willowy decision trees of redrafting, and I miss employing the eagle-eyed and steady-handed scalpel work of editing. (How soon is November?)

In the meantime, here’s a sevenlingish thing I needed to wring out of my fingertips, just so I can say I’ve written something this week.

Twist the splinter and hold it
up to the light: you will see
the osteological
anomaly, the gap where
the genetics disagreed,
leaving a tidy hole for
a whetted wick of thread.


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