Check out this action shot submitted by Carla Kraft, reading her copy of Ministers of Grace: Cherubim & Seraphim at the beach this week. If you don’t have yours yet and are dying for one, head over to to get your very own. I had intended to pick only one winner of the July Contest. However,…
July Contest!!
The trade paperback of Ministers of Grace: Cherubim & Seraphim is out now, and here’s a chance for you to win a signed copy. It’s pretty dern easy to enter to win. If you had a theme song, what would it be? Your theme song would be what they’d play if you were a superstar professional…
Book Release, Part 1!!!
Excellent news, folks! It is my extreme pleasure to announce that the trade paperback version of Ministers of Grace: Cherubim & Seraphim is now available! You can get your very own printed-on-demand copy at and CreateSpace. The list price is US $11.99, Amazon’s selling it for $10.54, and during the month of July, if…
While we’re all still waiting for this book to come out – it will be soon, I promise, and I don’t make promises lightly – let me share with you some information on Keys. Within the Ministers of Grace universe, all angels and Nephilim have two innate musical components: the Magnificat and Keys. The Magnificat…
I went to the MoMA last Tuesday and had what can best be referred to as a religious experience. This is what I wrote about it. ♥ EAB Transubstantiation It’s underneath your heels, pushing you forward, the breath of a whisper against your neck, the tipping after the tap of your footfalls on the pavement. You…
Closet Cleaning: Muñeca & Forgiveness
…and now for something completely unrelated to all things concerning Ministers of Grace. These are two poems composed relatively recently that I need to release. I’m currently creating some much-needed space in my mentalemotionalspiritual closet, and it just won’t do, having these in taking up the floor in there. ♥ EAB Written in November 2012, this…
June Contest Giveaway!
It’s June! That means that my book is coming out sometime over the next month (or so). However, the release date is as much a mystery to me as it is to you. I will inform you, though, that it will not be coming out this week. That said, I will give away a free signed…
It arrived!!!
The proof arrived!!! Can you see that I still can’t believe it? Right now, there’s one last editorial job: go through the text one last time to clear up any inconsistencies. Then it’ll be done. Hallelujah!
An Update & a Goodreads Page!
At the moment, I am figuratively jumping up and down with joy. Why? I received word that a physical proof of the book is on its way to me right this instant, meaning that the real live actual publication date is coming! It’ll take them a bit to apply a change here and there after…