18th Anael, Day of Cassiel, Hour of Gabriel
While I’ve been working on the final draft of Cherubim & Seraphim—almost done!—I took a break to update the site. There are a few new pages that relate to the Ministers of Grace universe.
One includes a table on the Archangels and their rulerships.
Three pages are on time: the first is an index, the second contains the angels’ calendar as it relates to the Western Gregorian calendar, and the third lists the hours.
One of these days, I reckon I’ll know a programmer who’ll be able to hook me up with an instant human-to-angel-time converter. In the meantime, if there’s a specific date you’d like converted (e.g. your birthday, your anniversary, etc.) please click on the expandy button below, leave me a comment, and I’ll reply with the conversion. Please be sure to provide the month, day, and year, as well as the time and place. (e.g. October 18, 2012, 4:21 am, Oakland, California. This converts to 1st Raziel, Day of Raziel, Hour of Anael. Bear in mind that angels—particularly the Virtues—are persnickety about the relationship between space and time, so you can’t calculate the correct hour without knowing the place.